Saturday, May 29, 2010

Memorial Day -- Thank A Veteran

Memorial Day is upon us once again, it is the time of year when people begin to enjoy the summer by cooking out and reuniting with friends and family. It is also a day and weekend when Americans remember those that have fought and died for the freedom we all enjoy.

Occasionally when all the cooking out, drinking, and family fun starts, we forget those that have protected our right to do all these things. We all get overworked, tired, and caught up in the trials of everyday life and people overlook the real reason we have this special weekend.

The true reason for Memorial Day should not be forgotten.

Remember this weekend the sacrifices others have made, the two wars currently being fought, and the veterans that surround us in everyday life. Thank a veteran this weekend, pray for our soldiers and their families, and enjoy your family and the blessings our soldiers have provided us with.

Below are a few pictures and cartoons to help celebrate this Memorial Day, Enjoy!

Click The Photos For A Better View

Looking Back: Vietnam War Memorial portrait by Ann Stuurman, The Three Soldiers

 Tomb of the Unknowns

The gravestones at Arlington National Cemetery are graced by U.S. flags each Memorial Day.

The USMC Memorial commemorates The Flag Raising on Iwo Jima

Thank a Veteran this weekend!

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