Tuesday, January 25, 2011

General George S. Patton Pictures

More pictures of World War Two Hero -- General George Patton.

General Patton's WTF Jeep

General Patton and General O.P. Weyland

President Eisenhower viewing the General Patton statue at West Point

General Patton says -- "Buy More Bonds!"

Patton at a memorial

Patton and his dog Willie at Bastogne

The General inspecting his troops

Patton and his family

Patton checking out some artwork

General Patton getting things done


  1. Gen. George Custer was reincarnated as Gen. George Patton.

  2. As the comment in We Were Soldiers, Custer was a pussy. Patton was very dyslexic, with a high pitch voice. Omar Bradley who was in command leading to the Battle of the Bulge could very well have prolonged the war because of his ineptitude.
    Patton had anticipated a bold move by Germany and was moving his tanks to counter their actions. Montgomery also suspected an attack and reposition units.
    Their actions saved Bradley, and at West Point Patton's actions are taught to modern day armor units. Hence the quick victory in Desert Storm one.
